Expected Lifespans of Household Appliances

Expected Lifespans of Household Appliances

Appliances make our lives easier. Everyday chores become more manageable when we use machines to help us do the work. When planning your household budget, it’s helpful to understand the average lifespans of household appliances. You’ll be better able to plan for a...

5 Signs of Problems With Your Home

5 Signs of Problems With Your Home

Your house needs regular care and attention. Maintaining your property includes looking for subtle changes. If you see any of these signs of problems with your home, have them investigated further. Catching an issue early will save you money. Signs of Problems With...

Removing Mold: The Moldy Onion

Removing Mold: The Moldy Onion

One morning I craved comfort food and searched the refrigerator for an onion to make the perfect breakfast omelet. The lone onion I found had a thick layer of mold growth, which looked unhealthy, not to mention unappetizing. Knowing onions have layers and most molds have shallow hyphae (roots), I decided to take a chance. The first two layers of the onion were carefully peeled off and wallah…underneath was a perfectly delicious looking, fresh and clean onion. Throwing caution to the wind, I proceeded to slice the onion for sautéing.